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What is Quantum Computer? What Does It Do?

What is Quantum Computer? What Does It Do?
What is Quantum Computer? What Does It Do?

There has been tremendous progress in the direction of Quantum computers over the past decades.. Quantum computers will play a major role in further developing and changing the world we live in in the coming years.. Quantum computing promises us much more than regular computers. To understand the speed of quantum computers, we first need to travel a bit in history.. For this, it is sufficient to look at computers, not far, at the time when Neil Armstrong took a huge step for humanity at the end of the 1960s.. AGC, the computer of the Apollo 11 spacecraft, had 80 kilobytes of memory and the ability to perform 40,000 operations per second.. Even today’s worst mobile phones outperform these features.

Computers with the ability to process faster and faster are being developed every year.. Although the quantum computer may seem like a very new technology, this idea was first put forward by Paul Benioff in 1981.. Thanks to the developments in quantum physics, we have very powerful computers that are becoming more widespread and expanding day by day.

As a matter of fact, computers that people could not buy 15-20 years ago and were designed only by private companies or to help space exploration are now available. we are all at home. If we turn our perspective to Quantum computers in this way, we can see it as a computer that we will perhaps use very widely in 10 years.

The Working Concept of Quantum Computer

To understand the quantum computer, we must understand the structure of the computers most of us use now. must. Computers contain chips, and chips contain modules.. These modules contain logic gates and logic gates contain transistors.. Transistors are the simplest part of the information processor. Acts as a switch that opens and closes the path of incoming information. This information evaluates based on 0 and 1 values. That is, the switch is either on or off.

Quantum computers, on the other hand, consist of qubits (qubits), which are shorthand for quantum bits.. The spin feature, which is one of the properties of the electrons in the atom, gives meaning to the qubits.. The electron remaining in the magnetic fields creates a “spin up” or “spin down” state according to the direction of the magnetic field..

This situation is similar to 1 and 0 in normal computers, where the circuit is either open or closed.. The open-closed state of the circuit, which is clearly evident in classical computers, is not so clearly expressed for quantum computers.. In the quantum world, the qubit doesn’t have to be 1 or 0 can be in both states at once. This is called “overlap” or superposition.

Only when we pass the qubit through a filter and put it to the test, we can learn its character, that is, the value of the information.. In other words, the qubit has a value that we do not know unless we test it or make an observation.. This is an event that we cannot experience in our lifetime.. Schrödinger’s cat paradox or Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle also tries to explain this situation.

What is the Difference Between Qubits and Bits?

The uncertainty of the qubits gives the quantum processor the ability to work much faster.. Quantum computers are needed to increase computational power significantly.

Normal computers use values ​​of 0 or 1 as bits, but quantum computers use qubits as bits.. This means that these values ​​can be 1 and 0 at the same time.. For this reason, we can say that qubits are all numbers at the same time, that is, they give us both true and false answers simultaneously.

4 classical bits can be in 2⁴, ie 16 different states at the same time,

strong>we can only use one of them .

Four qubits in superposition can use all states at once. In other words, there are two to four states for 4 qubits, but we can say that the usage patterns are different.. This number increases exponentially for each qubit.. Another feature of qubits is entanglement.. Entanglement, a quantum physics term, means that the state of one of them reacts to the state of the other with no connection between the qubits or how far apart they are.. As for how we benefit from the entanglement property of qubits, we can say the following: instead of testing two identical qubits one by one, we can determine the value of one of them and determine the other.. This happens thanks to the entanglement feature.

How is a Quantum Computer Different from a Normal Computer?

If we want to reach the correct value, a technique called “grover operator” for quantum computers exists. This technique destroys all wrong answers, leaving only the correct answer behind.. This is one of the biggest benefits of quantum processing.. Instead of trying each value one by one like normal computers, Quantum computers perform this process at the same time.. For this reason, high security encryptions on normal computers may take millions of years.. In quantum computers, it only takes seconds, with the help of the grover operator destroying all wrong answers..

For another comparison between two computers, we can use the example of calculating the distance between two points on maps. Google Maps evaluates different combinations to give you the best route between two points, which requires a lot of information.. Quantum computers, on the other hand, try every path between two points at the same time and choose the best one for us.

Or when we think of self-driving cars, we think about preventing accidents, eliminating dangers, or knowing when the lights are green and red. Quantum computers are the only solution to determine when it will burn and plot the best possible route.. Normal computers can never do these things.

In short, we can say that quantum computers try every possible program, every path and every combination.. It presents the best and correct result to us.

One of the subjects where quantum computers are much faster is database search.. A normal computer has to test each of the data individually. In quantum computers, on the other hand, the result can be obtained by experimenting as much as the square root of the data.. It can make a rather tedious task for large databases very easy. It can also decrypt any encrypted file or account much easier and faster.

New technologies and developments are taking place day by day regarding the future of quantum computers.. These computers, which are known to perform much more than normal computers, will carry our future to a different dimension.


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