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What is Google? Who is Managing? How many people work ? Where Does It Come From?

What is Google? Who is Managing? How many people work ? Where Does It Come From?
What is Google? Who is Managing? How many people work ? Where Does It Come From?

The word meaning of Google

Google, was created by tampering with the word “googol” . The word “googol”, coined by Milton Sorotta, nephew of the American mathematician named Edward Kasner, is a mathematical term that denotes the number formed by 1 followed by 100 zeros.. Google’s use of the term reflects the company’s mission to organize all the information in the world.

Google is the name of the company that is the developer and developer of one of the world’s largest search engines.

Two Stanford PhD students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, founded Google in 1998 with $25 million in regulatory capital. The company’s head office, called GooglePlex, is located in California and employs around 5,000 people worldwide.. The firm’s equity partners include Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital.. The company also offers custom web search solutions to content providers.

Google’s Technology

Google’s search technology and user interface design differentiates Google from today’s first-generation search engines. Rather than just using keyword or metasearch technology, Google relies on advanced PageRank™ technology, which brings the most important results first.

PageRank adapts the importance of web pages to an objective scale; this is calculated by solving an equation of 500 million variables and 2 billion terms. PageRank uses the network’s many interconnected structures as a regulatory tool.. Naturally, Google interprets every link from Page A to Page B as a “vote” from Page A to Page B.. Google determines the importance of a page by the votes it receives. Google also examines the page that voted.

Google’s sophisticated and automated search methods preclude human intervention. Unlike other search engines; Google is structured in such a way that no one can list higher or manipulate results for commercial purposes.

Google’s Management

Dr.. Eric E. Schmidt, Director & General Manager

  • Larry Page, Co-Founder & President, Products Division
  • Sergey Brin, Co-Founder & President, Technology Division
  • Omid Kordestani, Vice President, Business Development & Sales
  • Wayne Rosing, Vice President Engineering
  • Cindy McCaffrey, Vice President, Corporate Communications
  • Joan Braddi , Vice President, Search Services Division
  • Tim Armstrong, Vice President, Advertising Sales
  • Urs Hölzle, Google Member
  • Craig Silverstein, Head of Technology
  • It is stated that a total of 7000 people work in all of Google’s Offices.

Google Adsense

It is a targeted advertising delivery system to content pages established to earn income from websites.

Services provided by Google

In addition to its search engine service, Google also provides the following services:


http://gm ail.google.com (Gmail, Google’s email service. Its space is over 2.7 GB. A gmail account can be obtained by sending an invitation from a Gmail member, or via a mobile phone.)

Google calendar

http://www.google.com/ calendar/render ( sends important days of the year as SMS (free service) to your mobile phone.

Google office support

http://docs. google.com ( free internet office application alternative to google’s MS Office !

Map support with satellite photos

  • http:// maps.google.com ( Maps and satellite images)
  • http://moon.google.com ( Moon images from space)
  • http://mars.google. com ( Images of Mars from space)

Google language support

  • http://services.google.com/ tcbin/tc.py ( Google Turkish language support: Google in Your Language Project)
  • http://www.google.com/language_tools ( Google’s multilingual web page and translate the text into English The service that translates and translates English web pages and texts into other languages)

Application services available for download from Google

  • http: //talk.google.com (Google’s program for messaging and voice calls over the Internet for those who have a Gmail account)
  • http://earth.google.com (A program for seeing the earth in three dimensions down to its fine details) download site, Google Earth)
  • http://pack.google.com/ (Google’s package program with all programs)

GSM (internet via GPRS) ) services

  • http://www.google.com/sms/ ( America regional mobile phone map upload service)
  • http://www.google.co. uk/sms/ ( UK regional mobile map upload service)

Other services

  • http://google.com /ig ( Google Personalized Internet Homepage)
  • http://www.google.com/reader ( Google Reader interactive RSS & ATOM reader)
  • http://images.google.com (Image, photo, graphic, drawing search engine)
  • http://video.google. com ( Video search engine)
  • http://groups.google.com ( Email group service Google Groups)
  • http://blogsearch.google.com (blog search service)
  • http://www.google.com/patents ( Google Patents currently has technical drawing diagrams of 7 million patented products. )
  • http://trends.google.com/ ( Most searched words on Google)
  • http://books.google.com ( Printed books search engine)
  • http://scholar.google.com (A search engine for academic articles, book information, and references)
  • http://catalogs.google.com (For searching catalogs of publishers and reading page by page engine)
  • http://news.google.com (English News)
  • http://reader.google.com (RSS and ATOM reader service)
  • <

  • http://labs.google.com/sets (For learning other words in the same set)
  • http://labs.google.com/ (about google prototype project applications in the latest development process)
  • http://www.froogle.com (A search engine that provides a comparison opportunity for those who want to buy products over the Internet)


  • Google Advanced Search Features
  • Google Turkey office opens
  • Google Turkey page
  • Google home page fasi
  • Official Google blog
  • Google Labs

Literal meaning of Google:
Google came up as a result of changing word “ googol”. Word “googol”, which is created by Milton Sorotta, who is nephew of an American mathematician Edward Kasner, is a mathematical term that specifies the number that occurs 1 and coming 100 zero after that. Google’s using this term shows this firm mission of organizing all data in the world.

Two student that attending a PHD program, Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google with 25 million dollar legal capital in 1998. Firm’s center named GooglePlex is in California and it has approximately 5,000 workers all over the world. Firm’s capital associates cover Kleiner Perkins Caulifield & Byers and Sequoia Capital. Also the firm provides special web searching solutions for content provider firms.

Google Technology

Google’s searching technology and user interface design make it different from present day first-generation searching engine. Rather than using key word or meta searching technology, Google depends on developed PageRank technology that brings most important result at first.

PageRank adapts network page’s importance into objective scale; it is counted with the solution of an equation which consist of 500 million variable and 2 billion terms. PageRank uses network’s many connected structure as a regulator device. Naturally, Google rates network that structured from A to B as a vote from A to B. Google determines importance of a page with the vote that it takes. Also Google analyzes the page that gave vote.
Google’s complicated and automated search methods prevent people interference. Differently, Google was restructured as nobody can make a higher list and change results as commercial purposes.

Google’s Management

Dr. Eric E. Schmidt, Administrator and General Director

Larry Page, Second Founder & Chairman, Production Department

Sergey Brin, Second Founder & Chairman, Technology Department

Omid Kordestani, Vice Chairman, Commercial Developing and Sale Department

Wayne Rosing, Vice Chairman of Engineering Department

Cindy McCaffrey, Vice Chairman, Corporate Communications Department

Joan Braddi, Vice Chairman, Searching Services Department

Tim Armstrong, Vice Chairman, Advertisement Sale Department

Urs Hölzle, Google Member

Craig Silverstein, Administrator of Technology Department

It is said that 7000 people are working in Google’s all offices.

Google Adsense
It is a advertisement publication system that is targeted at content pages so as to gain benefit from websites .

Google AdWords

Services that Google gives
Beside searching engine service, Google gives services below :

http: //gmail.google.com ( Gmail, Google’s e-mail service. Its space is more than 2.7 GB. Gmail account can be taken by a Gmail member’s invitation or a mobile phone.)

Google Agenda
http://www.google.com/calendar/render (It sends SMS (free service) on the important days of the year to the mobile phones.)

Google Office Support
http://docs.google.com ( Google’s free internet office application that is an alternative to MS Office )

Map support with the satellite photographs

http://maps.google.com ( Maps and satellite images)
http://moon.google.com ( Moon’s images that are taken from space)
http://mars.google.com (Mars’ images that are taken from space)

Google Language Support
http://services. google.com/tcbin/tc.py ( Google Turkish language support: Google’s project in your own language)
http://www.google.com/language_tools (Google’s service that translates web page and articles in various language into English and again it translates web page and articles in English into other languages)

Application ion services that can be downloaded from Google

http://talk.google.com (Google’s program for Gmail account owner to send and take message and make audible discourse)
http://earth .google.com (A site from which we can download a program that make us see earth’s every detail as three-dimensional, Google Earth)
http://pack.google.com/ ( A packet program that has all Google programs)

GSM ( Internet over GPRS) services
http://www.google.com/sms/ ( America regional mobile phone map upload service)
http:// www.google.co.uk/sms/ (England regional mobile phone map upload service)

Other Services
http://google.com/ig (Google personified internet entry page)
http://www.google.com/reader ( Google Reader interactive RSS & ATOM reader)
http://images.google.com ( Picture, photograph graphic, artwork searching engine)
http ://video.google.com ( Video searching engine)
http://groups.google.com ( E-mail group service Google Groups)
http://blogsearch.google.com (blog searching service)
http://www.google.com/patents ( Google Patents now there are 7 billion patented products’ technical artwork diagrams )
http://trends.google.com/ ( The words that are searched most in Google)
http://books.google.com (Printed books searching engine)
http://scholar. google.com (Academic articles, book information and forwarding searching engine)
http://catalogs.google.com ( Engine for searching publishing house catalog and reading page by page)
http://news. google.com ( English news)
http://reader.google.com ( RSS and ATOM reader service)
http://labs.google.com/sets (It is for learning other words that are in the same group)
http://labs.google.com/ ( About Google prototype project applications that are at the last level of development)
http://www.froogle.com (Search engine that provides the chance of comparison for the ones who want to buy product over internet)


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