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Trend Micro came to the rescue of Messenger users

Trend Micro came to the rescue of Messenger users
Trend Micro came to the rescue of Messenger users

Trend Micro has detected a new strain of WORM_SDBOT worm, the virus circulating in MSN’s instant messaging application Live (MSN) Messenger and harassing internet users. Trend Micro recommends users affected by this virus to use HijackThis software. WORM_SDBOT.EXT sends an interesting message to the recipient, allowing him to upload the zip file named Beach Picture 2003, which contains a virus, to his system.

The virus causes serious damage to the computer of the user who downloaded the file. Hackers who have access to WORM_SDBOT.EXT can upload files to the system, terminate ongoing processes in the system, create new files, open or delete files with various commands they give. In addition, the infected file that comes to the user is sent to other users with the user’s name.

Trend Micro recommends users affected by this virus to use HijackThis, which can detect and remove spyware. HijackThis is a small, simple but highly effective software. HijackThis, which has been downloaded to the computers of over 10 million users all over the world, is rated 5 stars by CNET’s Download.com website editor, and is rated as one of the top 2 spyware removal software by the same site members, can be downloaded for free from www.TrendSecure.com. HijackThis version 2.0 can be used with Microsoft Vista and Internet Explorer 7.0.

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