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The world’s smallest nano-robot

The world’s smallest nano-robot
The world's smallest nano-robot

The world’s smallest nano-robot has been produced. American and Chinese scientists have produced the world’s smallest two-armed nano-robot that processes molecules in the human body. This invention is an important step in leading the developments in nano technology, so many things will be possible…

Machineslikeus on the Internet. According to the news on the com site, the robot developed by scientists at the universities of New York in the USA and Nanjing in China measures 150 x 50 x 8 nanometers.

A nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter long. If the apple were one nanometer long, a normal apple would be larger than the earth.

New York University Chemistry Professor Nadrian Seeman said, “Nanotechnology allows us to take the invisible molecular and atomic particles from wherever we want and place them wherever we want. ” said. Seeman says this programmable robot allows researchers to manipulate DNA on an ‘unprecedented scale.’ . The diameter of the shapes produced can be increased up to 100 nanometers. The new shapes produced after the operation of the robot can become 8 times wider and 3 times more complex. In this way, new DNA structures can be created.

It is stated that the advanced technology robot can also be used in the production of new synthetic fibers used to carry information. Scientists state that the robot can work with 100 percent accuracy. This joint study of the two universities was published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.


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