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The most polluting company in the world: Coca-Cola

The most polluting company in the world: Coca-Cola
The most polluting company in the world: Coca-Cola

The company that pollutes the world the most has been revealed. Accordingly, Coca-Cola became the company that polluted the seas, forests and the environment the most.. Coca-Cola has been the company that pollutes the world in previous audits.. The company has won this title for the second time.

Companies can pollute the world in many different ways, from the process of obtaining the raw material to the production and distribution of products, and even with their waste after consumption.. The world is affected negatively due to this pollution created by companies.. While measuring the pollution created by the companies, besides the processes such as production and distribution, the pollution created after consumption is also evaluated.

Coca-Cola, Nestlé and PepsiCo; companies that pollute the world the most. Among the companies that cause the most pollution are Solo Cup Company and Colgate-Palmolive.. Looking at the USA, Nestle ranks first as the company that pollutes the country the most.. In the USA, the ranking progresses as Solo Cup Company and Starbucks after Nestle.

Today’s large companies are making commitments in the name of sustainability and protecting the environment.. However, as a result of the inspections, the situation of the world-leading brands is in sight.. As a result of the investigations, it turns out that recycling is not as effective as mentioned.

The amount of recycled plastic waste is 9%

According to the review, companies say that they are “100% recyclable”. ” products do not contribute to the environment. The worldwide amount of recycled plastic waste only 9%

The results of the investigation are dire, of which 9% is recycled, the remaining 91% is incinerated or sent to landfills. being sent. As a result, discarded plastics remain in the environment.

The coordinator of Break Free From Plastic stated that recycling alone is not enough: “This report provides evidence that companies need to do more to address the plastic pollution crisis they have created themselves.. Continuing reliance on single-use plastic packaging causes more plastic to be thrown into the environment. Recycling is not going to solve this problem.”

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, on the other hand, continue to organize campaigns to reduce plastic waste due to the results of the inspections.. More than 11,732 wastes belonging to Coca-Cola were collected in the plastic waste collection movement initiated by Break Free From Plastic. In the campaign where volunteers participated, more than 72,540 volunteers visited 51 countries and 475 thousand plastic waste belonging to more than 8 thousand brands was collected.

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