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Surprise W32/[email protected] from Google

Surprise W32/[email protected] from Google
Surprise W32/[email protected] from Google

It has been understood that the W32/[email protected] virus, which has been around since the beginning of the year, has no harm other than pornographic images. The interesting thing is that it spread from Google Video Email groups. It is still unknown how this virus, which sent itself to group members by copying itself, entered the system by exploiting a vulnerability of Google and how it bypassed these security systems. Google company, which activated its additional systems, prevented the virus, but I can say that many users had their share.

While there is no comment on how the e-mails passed Google’s internal protocols, a few hackers who previously infiltrated Google’s Blogs are fake. I would like to remind you that you are sending messages, I think Google is really in trouble with Hackers…

W32/[email protected] virus, be careful, it can damage the system by deleting some registry keys. But almost every virus program recognizes it and can clean it. Do a virus scan on your system, of course, with an up-to-date virus program…

Come on, take it easy ..!

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