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NASA Flying Car

NASA Flying Car
NASA Flying Car

Now the flying car era begins. The ‘world’s first flying car’ developed in America by former NASA engineers is ready for test drive and ‘flight’. Such high-tech products, which we are used to seeing in science fiction movies, have now become reality and are expected to become widespread rapidly.


Terrafugia Transition, which was launched as the world’s first flying car, will be “test driven” next month.

Carl Dietrich, owner of Terrafugia company headquartered in Massachusetts, said that the car that will run on regular unleaded gasoline, sized to fit in any garage, will be the first of its kind

The flying car will be on land. and it will get its power in the air from its 100 hp engine.

It is claimed that the car, which can reach a maximum speed of 180 km, can fly 750 km on a single tank of gasoline.


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