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Let’s remove the restrictions in Xp Home

Let’s remove the restrictions in Xp Home
Let's remove the restrictions in Xp Home

As it is known, Xp home edition comes with many restrictions compared to Pro. We know that Windows hides its identity in the registry

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlProductOptions] “ProductSuite”=”Personal”

In Home editions, ProductSuite has a value as above, here is “Personal” ” If we delete the job, the hidden features of xp Home will be activated, But Attention: This change causes a license change. Another problem is that the system constantly observes this value and refuses to try any changes, so operating systems running from CD will do our job in this regard.( Like Bart PE)

2. After deleting the Personal value, we need to leave it blank, then restart the PC
3. As soon as XP home starts, let’s find “Hkey_Local_MachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlLsa” in the registry and create a new DWORD value on the right: Let’s name it: “forceguest” and give it a value of “0” and restart the PC again.

the XP home you are using now has been modified and has almost all the features of XP Por.
NOTE: after these steps you cannot install patches and updates on Xp. Before installing a service pack or something, you need to do the reverse process, ie: We need to convert the modified HOme edition to normal Home.

Or if you want to do all this with one click, download and run the following (the language is german)


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