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Iphone 6S Battery Usage Settings

Iphone 6S Battery Usage Settings
Iphone 6S Battery Usage Settings

First of all, we may be running out of battery very quickly during our use. For this, there are a few things we need to do on our device. If we do the following steps, it will be seen that the battery time is extended.

First of all, we enter the Settings menu of our device.

Click on the Battery option on the next screen.

The KingdomRush application runs in the background on the screen that opens, and this application has consumed a charge of close to 20% in a 24-hour period, and this application does not run in the background.

When you lower the screen to the bottom, all your applications will appear. We enter the application by selecting it, there is an option titled Notifications in the section we have entered, and we continue by selecting it.

The notification title will be active on this screen. We turn off the button in the Allow Notifications text by sliding it to the left and prevent the device from eating more charge in the background.

Prepared by Murat NALCI


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