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Hamburg Chooses to Use Open Source

Hamburg Chooses to Use Open Source
Hamburg Chooses to Use Open Source

In 2017, the German city of Munich gave up using GNU/Linux on public computers.. In line with the decision taken, nearly 20,000 computers were converted from GNU/Linux to Windows 10 operating system.. However, within the last month, the management reversed this decision and declared that “Windows is not like Linux”.. Today, the city of Hamburg, also in Germany, announced that it will convert its operating systems to GNU/Linux or any open source alternative.. Thanks to an open source operating system, they will both get rid of license fees and have a more controllable system.. Other city administrations in the country announced that they put the issue of change on their agenda after this move.

A statement was made today in the city, which is governed by the coalition of the Greens and Social Democrats (SPD).. In a statement, Yeşiller said, “We have entered the phase of moving away from Microsoft.. More emphasis needs to be placed on open source products.” statements were made. The other side of the coalition, SPD, said, “Our goal is to be a role model for other governments in digital sovereignty.. We are against unilateral commitment.”. The administration, which decided to support open source in 2018, decided to change the operating system today.

The Hamburg administration has not yet given clear information on whether this transformation will be a comprehensive transformation or a partial transformation.. If there’s a massive conversion, it looks like this transition will take a while..

The management intends to open source the operating system as well as other licensed products.. It is thought that Microsoft Office products will be replaced by the open source alternative, LibreOffice.

Transitions are Undergoing in Other Countries

The only government that thinks that using open source products will be much more beneficial is Hamburg or not the Munich administration. Previously, government-supported GNU/Linux distributions were produced, including our country.. This distribution, which was developed in our country, was called Pardus, which came from the Anatolian Pardus.. The main countries developing their own open source distributions are:

  • North Korea – Red Star OS
  • Cuba – Nova

However, some countries they are in the process of developing their own GNU/Linux distribution. These countries are:

  • Russia – Astra linux
  • China – Kylin Linux
  • South Korea – HamoniKR OS

Shall we wait a little longer for the tablet?


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