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Google Search engine, two Stanford PhD students, Larry Page (Lawrence “Larry” E. Page, born 1973 Ann Arbor, Michigan) and Sergey Brin (born Moscow 1973, Russia) built Google on the basis of PageRank™, when they founded it in 1998.. Developed by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Stanford), it is based on PageRank that ranks web pages and running it over the network.. PageRank is constantly being improved (fine-tuned) by Google developers and is a key element of Google search results.. PageRank is based on the democratic character of the web and is used to find the value of any page in its dense link structure.

Google was founded in 1998 with a capital of 1 million dollars.. However, until they reached this level, Larry Page and Sergey Brin started with a few computers in their rooms at the university in the years 95-96.. The site became popular at the university and these two friends introduced their professors to a German businessman and received a check for $100,000.. Later, they also met with the owner of Yahoo and the man said you should improve it a little more and come later.. Later, these friends found 1 million dollars with the help of their families and teachers and established the site.. They have given Google management to a masterful name (Dr.. Eric E. Schmidt, – Executive and CEO) teachers (Good students. Motwani, J.. Ullman and T.. They did not forget Winograd) later on, because of this help, their teacher has acquired a fortune of 30 million dollars for now.. The owner of Yahoo also paid the penalty for not holding the hands of these two young people that day.

The search engine Altavista, which was very popular at that time, was sorting according to the meta tag parts of the sites.. Many webmasters have started to fill in keyword and description metas that have nothing to do with their site.. (Still, many webmasters fill in words as if it would be very useful It just makes their pages open late. Even if it is to be written, it is necessary to comply with the 200 character limit.. Words after the first 200 character limit are ignored by search engines). Here’s the “meta tag” brought the end of Altavista. Google has developed its own PageRank patent, which considers the PageRank factor when ranking sites.

What is PageRank? (PageRank=Pr )

The word PageRank does not have a full Turkish equivalent, but we can translate it as link popularity in our language.. Search engine programmers, tell me, they thought, if everyone links to a site, this site must be a good site.. The site people link to cannot be a bad site. People don’t link to bad site. For this reason, they thought that we should move the site with many links to the top.

Now, you may immediately think of placing your link on many sites and putting many link pages on free domains.. Those who built the Google search engine have already thought of this. The links you get from sites that do not reach a certain PageRank value do not increase your site’s PageRank.. The links you get from sites with PageRank 3 and below are useless or have little effect.. It is better to get a link from one pr4 site rather than from 10,000 pr0 or pr1 sites. It is better to get a link from one pr5 site rather than from 10 pr4 sites. It is better to get a link from one pr6 site than from 50 pr4 sites.. In summary, it is better to get links from high pr sites.

Actually, Google perceives a link from page A to page B as a vote (for page A and page B) and at the same time analyzes the page where the game occurs.. Sites rated in this way according to their size of votes get a high PageRank and are remembered in a Google search every time.. In other words, the importance of your page depends on how many references are made to your links from other pages.. In addition, Google uses complex text fitting techniques to ensure that the results in your search are important and relevant.

Google search engine generally sorts the searched word and information by considering the following four factors:

• Finds all pages that contain (matches) the desired keywords.
• Ranks according to the factors on the page.
• Calculation is made according to the key (important words) in the relevant article.
• Finally, the results are adjusted according to PageRank.

How can I find out the PageRank value of my site?

You can find out the PageRank value of your site by installing the Google Toolbar.

How to increase your site’s PageRank value?

You can start by exchanging links with sites with high PageRank. The more friendly sites you have, the more backlinks you will have.. Getting links from sites with the same content as your site yields more effective results.. In fact, getting links from competing sites gives a great impetus to the increase in your PageRank value.. Although it seems very illogical, the purpose here is “the site people link to cannot be a bad site”, if even the competitor site links to the other site, the linked site is a really good site, it is based on the theory.. However, this is not possible in real life, in this case, there are two things to do, to get a link from the competitor site, to advertise on the competitor site, if it accepts, the other method is to open another site with the same content.. You will link to yourself from your own site. Since Google programmers are aware of this event, they have taken some precautions.. This is one of the reasons for the Class C ip event.. (Class C ip event is in the bottom paragraphs of the article.)

Add your site to the link sites with a PageRank value of 5 and above.. Even if they don’t send many hits, PageRank return will be high. The higher your PageRank, the more visitors you will get from Google, the higher you will get…

Do you really need link popularity?

Link on a medium-sized site in general its popularity is not very important, link popularity is only one of the criteria of search engines. If your site is listed in directories such as Yahoo, Dmoz, LookSmart, this will be enough for you.. Let’s say you are doing hosting business or mobile ringtone business and if your site has many competitors in the field, it will be beneficial for you to increase your link popularity.. You should work to find your link on sites with content relevant to you.. This does not mean that you can buy dozens of domains and direct them all to your site, simply find sites that can link to you and have them link to you.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a friendly site?

First of all, the PageRank value must be at least 4 so that you get a returnable PageRank contribution.
Be friendly with sites that are not on the same host. This means:

Let’s say your site is hosted on the ip address

2 = think of it as street

. Google does not count the links given by people on the same street to each other for PageRank.. The ropes between 212.123.103.(1) and 212.123.103.(254) become Class C ropes with each other.. This event came out because of porn sites. The men were buying reseller machines. They were opening 100 sites and linking them all to each other.. Actually, they’re all the same man’s site, but he was trying to cheat Google by cheating.. Let’s say you have a pr5 site on the same host. Linking to your sites with lower PR does not work, or it will work with a minimum coefficient.. When you have a Class C ip address with a site, you can check it here

When is Google PageRank being updated?

There are two types of PageRank. There is a hidden PageRank and a Toolbar PageRank.. To make it easier for people to detect, Google Toolbar has divided the PageRank section into 10 scales.. It can be traced here, but the hidden PageRank value is purely mathematical and difficult to detect.

PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + … + PR(tn) )/C(tn))

Link exchange of all pages with each other is calculated one by one and naturally takes time. Toolbar PageRank is updated on the 8th of every month. But it has not been done in the last 3 months. You can check it here to find out when it was last done

How can I rank higher in search engines?

There are a few important points we need to know in order to rise in search engines. Your site must comply with standards.. For example, in the coding part of your site, very unnecessary tables have been opened and not closed.. Your site can be opened properly in browsers, but browsers waste time to correct errors and print to the screen, or your page has too many images and opens late, they always bring negative points to your site.. Test your site here, it is useful to make zero coding errors.

There is the following logic in search engines. There are thousands of pages with the same content. This is how they decide which one will come out on top.. Domain factor. Under normal conditions, the domain and the site content are compatible.. For example, you will download the winamp program. The first address that comes to your mind is winamp.com. Naturally, search engines also have this logic.. The relationship between the searched word and the domain is checked.. For example, if you want to go to the top in the word “mp3”. You need to get mp3.com domain name. If mp3.com is full, which is hard to find a good domain after that time.. Try alternative domains. Like mp3.cc mp3.ws.

A domain like http://www.kurufasulye- mp3 .com is always more fortunate than a domain like Musickutusu.com because the searched word is in the domain. Beware, too, that domains with too many (-) hyphens count as spam category domains.

For example, buying a domain like free-polyphonic-mobile-melodi-nokia.com to rank high is nothing but folly. is not. This domain will never rise to the top. Google of course knows it was taken for cheating. If this were not the case, these domains would not be able to pass through in the rankings. According to the results of the survey and search statistics, 80% of people do not search for more than two words in a search query.. In other words, when people search for “melody” or “pocket ringtone”, they are satisfied with the results they find, they do not search for 3 words like “nokia mobile ringtone”.. At least 80% are not calling.

http://melodi.com site is the luckiest. A domain like http://polyphonic-melodi.com is luckier than http://polyphonic-melodi-nokia.com. The shorter the domain name, the luckier it is.

In a search for the word “link”, the domain links.com is luckier than the domain link sites.com.. If you go and buy a domain such as link X.com to increase your chances, you will come to a more fortunate position from links.com in search engines…

If there is no domain related to the searched word in the search engine database, then the subdomain is taken into account. for . Like http:// mp3 .yoursite.com. If there are still a lot of sites after all these criteria, which will always exist in the database, a lot of sites have created subdomains to get on top.. Looking at Google :

1-Which page has unique content, so it will not be stolen or copied content. The main purpose of the Google search engine is to bring useful sites to humanity.. For example, if you take the technology news on the NTV news portal and publish it on your own site, it is very difficult for you to rise to the top because there are tens, maybe hundreds of sites that do the same thing.. All lick their palms, NTV goes to the top. If you heat and re-serve a previously indexed content in the Google database, that is, if you make a stolen site or another site with the same content, Google will not give your site a bonus and you will not be able to rise to the top.. Even if you change the table structure or colors, you cannot rise to the top.. Google already ignores table structures and stuff. What you need to do is to make the article unique content.. If you add your own comments and change the article, if you create your own unique content, you can easily get to the top and compete with NTV
2-Which page loads fast
3-Which page has no coding errors
4-Which page If the words in the title and the words in the content are the same. (not the meta tag part, not the keyword and description)
5-Which page complies with the standards, (while there are sites that comply with the standards, cheating sites do not come to the top, sites that try to change the order by cheating will be pulled down or banned after a short while). secret words, cloakers, etc.)
6-Which page has the highest PageRank value, that site will go to the top.

Especially Google is equidistant from all sites.. Everyone enters the race on equal terms.. Doesn’t hurt anyone. Even if your PageRank is zero, you can appear on the first page of searches.. PageRank is just one of the criteria that determines the ranking.

For example, you have an e-card site or your page.. You can never come up in searches.. If you do a search, you’ll see that the first page of the word “e-kart” is http://www.google.com/search?hl=tr&q=e-kart&lr= all the big sites (1-Superonline 2-Ekolay 3-Mynet…) and you may naturally think of them as torpedoes, but the main reason is that many small sites have given the “e-card” link to these sites, knowingly or unknowingly.. Especially newly opened sites cannot find anything to put and always give their links to these sites Therefore, the PageRank values ​​of these sites increase and go up.. If you get enough links, you can be the 1st.. In enough links, good content is the first requirement. The main purpose of Google programmers is to bring sites that offer useful content to humanity.. Sites created in a few days with stolen content from right to left do not have a chance to rise to the top.. The content of the stolen site is already registered in the Google database and has taken its place in a certain ranking.. If you steal that site, Google understands that you have stolen it and does not give a bonus to your site.. Change colors, table structures as much as you want, already Google ignores tables. Checks for pure sentence structures inside the site. Sites or pages with unique content (such as a page that no one has done before, your own article, article, poem) always come out on top.. The more unique content you have, the more value Google will place on your site.

Let me give you an example: Meta tag made our article on Seo 4th in the Google world ranking.. It also ranked first in Turkish searches.. Although the PageRank value is zero, the “Meta tag seo” search results of the page exceeded many foreign articles with a PageRank value of 6-7…. Let others appreciate you and link to your site… If you exchange links with too many sites at once, Google will penalize you for trying to disrupt the PageRank balance by buying links with money.. The technical name of this penalty is “Google Bomb”.. While PageRank expects to be 5-6, your Google PageRank™ might be 2-3 because of Google Bomb. Trying to get free links is the most effective way to gain PageRank. In this, the content of your site should be good, other people should appreciate you and give you links…
Author Mert ÖĞÜT (http://www.gitme.com)

When Larry Page and Sergey Brin construct Google in 1998, they developed it on basis of PageRank fact. Grading the websites that are developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, PageRank depends on this working on web. PageRank is consistently developed by Google software experts and it is the essential element of Google’s searching results. PageRank depends on web’s democratic character and uses it to find a page’s value or importance that is on its instance link structure. What is PageRank? (PageRank=Pr ) Searching engine programmer thought that if everyone give link to a site, ,it should be a good site. People do not give links to a bad site. So let’s move the site that is given lots of links to top positions. Now, locating your links to lots of sites and putting lots of links pages to free lands may come to your mind. Maker of Google search engine probably thought it beforehand. The links that you took from the sites, which does not reach a certain PageRank value, do not redouble your site’s PageRank value. The links that you took from PageRank 3 and lower sites are worthless or have little effect on your PageRank value. It is better to take a link from a site that is pr4 than taking 10,000 links from pr 0 or pr 1 sites. Google search engine generally concatenates data with searched word as taking care four factor below : • It finds all the pages that searched words are in. • It makes grading as factors of page. • Calculating is made to important word in the relevant writing. • Finally, the results are regulated to PageRank. How can I learn my site’s PageRank value? You can learn your site’s PageRank value by downloading Google Toolbar. How can you promote your site’s PageRank value? You can start with changing links with sites that have high PageRank value. The more friend site you have, the more back links you have. Taking links from the sites that have the same content with your site, brings more effective results. Moreover, taking link from rival sites gives very high acceleration to your PageRank value. Add your site to link sites whose values ​​are 5 and more. Although they may not send hits , its PageRank return will be high. If your PageRank value rises, you get more visitors from Google and move to the top. Do you really need link popularity? Generally, for middle quality site, link popularity is not so important, link is only a criteria among search engine’s criteria. If your site lined in the site like Yahoo, Dmoz, LookSmart, it is really enough for you. What should I care while I choose a friend site? Firstly, its PageRank should be at least 4 to make a contribution to your PageRank. Be friend to the sites that are not in the same host. That means: your site is located in this ip address 212=country 123=providence 102=district 2 =street Think like that. Google does not count the link that is given by ones from the same street. Ip between 212.123.103.(1) and 212.123.103.(254) are Class C ip. This occurred because of pornographic sites. They bought reseller machine. They open 100 sites and linked them with each other. Actually all they belong to a man but they try to cheat Google. When will Google PageRank update? There are two kind of PageRank. One is hidden PageRank and the other is Toolbar PageRank value. To make is easy for people to understand, Google Toolbar PageRank divided into 10 scala. It can be follow form here but hidden PageRank value is totally a mathematical value and hard to understand. PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + … + PR(tn)/C(tn)) Whole pages link traffic with each other are counted one by one and this takes times naturally. Toolbar PageRank’s update is done at the eighth of every month. How can I promote in the search engine? So as to promote in the search engine, we need to know some important points. Your site is need to be appropriate to standards. For instance useless tables are opened and are not closed in your site’s code part. Your site can open in browsers but so as to arrange faults and print it on the screen, browsers waste time or there are lots of pictures on your site, it opens late, these all bring negative point to you. There is that logic in search engines. There are thousand of pages that have the same content. They decide which will promote like; domain factor. Normally, site’s content and domain are relevant. for instance; you download winamp program. First address that come to your mind is winamp.com. Naturally, there is that logic in the search engine. Relation between searched word and domain is looked. If you want to be top on the “mp3” word, you need to take mp3.com domain name. At the searching of “link” word, links.com domain is more luckier than link sites.com. To redouble your luck , if you take a domain like X.com, you will be more luckier than links.com in the search engines. If there is not a domain that is relevant to searched word on the search engine data base, then subdomain is cared for listing. After all these criteria, if there are still lots of sites on data base, that always is, lots of sites made subdomain to promote. Google looks at these: 1-Which page has unique content. The basic aim of Google search engine is promoting sites that are beneficial to humanity. For instance, if you take technology news from NTV news portal, it is hard for you to promote as there are lots of sites that do the same thing. All of them get nothing, NTV will promote. If you present a content that is on the Google data base and indexed before, Google will not promote you. Although you change table structure or colour, you can not rise. Only thing you can do is to make article in unique content. If you add your comment and change article, make your unique content, you easily promote top positions and race with NTV. 2-Which page open faster 3-On which page there is no code fault 4-Which page’s words that is written on title part same with content. 5-Which page is appropriate to standards, 6-Which site’s PageRank value is higher, it rises. Especially, Google stands equal to all sites. Everyone starts race with the same conditions. Even if your PageRank is zero, you can be at the first page on the searching engine. PageRank is only one of the criteria that determine the ranking

When Larry Page and Sergey Brin construct Google in 1998, they developed it on basis of PageRank fact. Grading the websites that are developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, PageRank depends on this working on web. PageRank is consistently developed by Google software experts and it is the essential element of Google’s searching results. PageRank depends on web’s democratic character and uses it to find a page’s value or importance that is on its instance link structure.
What is PageRank? (PageRank=Pr )Searching engine programmer thought that if everyone give link to a site, ,it should be a good site. People do not give links to a bad site. So let’s move the site that is given lots of links to top positions.
Now, locating your links to lots of sites and putting lots of links pages to free lands may come to your mind. Maker of Google search engine probably thought it beforehand. The links that you took from the sites, which does not reach a certain PageRank value, do not redouble your site’s PageRank value. The links that you took from PageRank 3 and lower sites are worthless or have little effect on your PageRank value. It is better to take a link from a site that is pr4 than taking 10,000 links from pr 0 or pr 1 sites.
Google search engine generally concatenates data with searched word as taking care four factor below :
• It finds all the pages that searched words are in.• It makes grading as factors of page.• Calculating is made to important word in the relevant writing.• Finally, the results are regulated to PageRank.

How can I learn my site’s PageRank value?
You can learn your site’s PageRank value by downloading Google Toolbar.

How can you promote your site’s PageRank value?
You can start with changing links with sites that have high PageRank value. The more friend site you have, the more back links you have. Taking links from the sites that have the same content with your site, brings more effective results. Moreover, taking link from rival sites gives very high acceleration to your PageRank value.
Add your site to link sites whose values ​​are 5 and more. Although they may not send hits , its PageRank return will be high. If your PageRank value rises, you get more visitors from Google and move to the top.Do you really need link popularity?
Generally, for middle quality site, link popularity is not so important, link popularity is only a criteria among search engine’s criteria. If your site lined in the site like Yahoo, Dmoz, LookSmart, it is really enough for you.What should I care while I choose a friend site?
Firstly, its PageRank should be at least 4 to make a contribution to your PageRank.Be friend to the sites that are not in the same host. That means: your site is located in this ip address
212=country123=providence102=district2 =street
Think like that. Google does not count the link that is given by ones from the same street. Ip between 212.123.103.(1) and 212.123.103.(254) are Class C ip. This occurred because of pornographic sites. They bought reseller machine. They open 100 sites and linked them with each other. Actually all they belong to a man but they try to cheat Google.
When will Google PageRank update?
There are two kind of PageRank. One is hidden PageRank and the other is Toolbar PageRank value. To make is easy for people to understand, Google Toolbar PageRank divided into 10 scala. It can be follow form here but hidden PageRank value is totally a mathematical value and hard to understand.
PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + … + PR (tn)/C(tn))
Whole pages link traffic with each other are counted one by one and this takes times naturally. Toolbar PageRank’s update is done at the eighth of every month.
How can I promote in the search engine?
So as to promote in the search engine, we need to know some important points. Your site is need to be appropriate to standards. For instance useless tables are opened and are not closed in your site’s code part. Your site can open in browsers but so as to arrange faults and print it on the screen, browsers waste time or there are lots of pictures on your site, it opens late, these all bring negative point to you.
There is that logic in search engines. There are thousand of pages that have the same content. They decide which will promote like; domain factor. Normally, site’s content and domain are relevant. for instance; you download winamp program. First address that come to your mind is winamp.com. Naturally, there is that logic in the search engine. Relation between searched word and domain is looked. If you want to be top on the “mp3” word, you need to take mp3.com domain name.

At the searching of “link” word, links.com domain is more luckier than link sites. com. To redouble your luck , if you take a domain like X.com, you will be more luckier than links.com in the search engines.
If there is not a domain that is relevant to searched word on the search engine data base, then subdomain is cared for listing. After all these criteria, if there are still lots of sites on data base, that always is, lots of sites made subdomain to promote. Google looks at these:
1-Which page has unique content. The basic aim of Google search engine is promoting sites that are beneficial to humanity. For instance, if you take technology news from NTV news portal, it is hard for you to promote as there are lots of sites that do the same thing. All of them get nothing, NTV will promote. If you present a content that is on the Google data base and indexed before, Google will not promote you. Although you change table structure or colour, you can not rise. Only thing you can do is to make article in unique content. If you add your comment and change article, make your unique content, you easily promote top positions and race with NTV.2-Which page open faster3-On which page there is no code fault4-Which page’s words that is written on title part same with content.5-Which page is appropriate to standards, 6-Which site’s PageRank value is higher, it rises.
Especially, Google stands equal to all sites. Everyone starts race with the same conditions. Even if your PageRank is zero, you can be at the first page on the searching engine. PageRank is only one of the criteria that determine the ranking.

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