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Golden Rules for Online Dating

Golden Rules for Online Dating
Golden Rules for Online Dating

A large percentage of internet users in Turkey, such as 55%, use the internet only for chatting, and of course, taking this into account, we researched the golden rules of dating on the internet for what you should and shouldn’t do. golden rules.

Socializing sites have proliferated recently. Now there is communication not only within countries, but also between countries and even between continents.. When you sit in front of a monitor at home, you can meet someone in Spain.

Since every home has a computer, men and women have been using the internet to meet each other. So, how do you flirt online? If you want to join the online dating game, there are a few rules you need to learn!

Rules of online love!

Socializing sites have proliferated lately. Now there is communication not only within countries, but also between countries and even between continents.. When you sit in front of a monitor at home, you can meet someone in Spain.

Use online resources!

Sites that offer you the opportunity to socialize, maybe you didn’t realize it, but it’s actually an art. Almost everyone has a profile on sites like MySpace, Facebook.. These sites allow you to send each other songs, leave quick messages and send links.. Take advantage of these opportunities too. Check out the profile of the person you like and send the songs and links you think they might like.. In this way, you can manage to attract her attention.

One ​​of the best things about flirting in the virtual world is; When you say something very bad to someone in real life, it’s not easy to make up for it.. Like a stain on your relationship, that promise hangs there and you have to work hard to make up for it.. But the situation is different in online relationships, let’s say you were very angry with your date and left a very bad message at night.. When you wake up in the morning you regret. In this case, all you have to do is go to the site and delete the message!

Use the time advantage !

Luckily the internet allows you to think before you say something. Whenever the conversation gets stuck somewhere, or you need to express your opinion on something, you have time to decide what to say.. If you are in a risky situation, review your previous conversations. No need to panic and bullshit, look at past conversations and decide what to say.

This way, you won’t miss the hidden messages trying to be given, use your right to think when you come across a suggestive question, Even if you are asked why the answer is late, you say you went to buy coffee.

Don’t be in constant communication!

Undoubtedly the most common thing in online relationships is the tendency to respond instantly to incoming messages. But if you want a fruitful relationship, you should avoid such tendencies.. If you use programs where you can leave e-mail or text messages instead of programs that allow you to talk to each other, you will not get too carried away and you will give the impression that you love independence.. After all, this is the internet, you can impose yourself however you want.

Use its icons sparingly!

These icons are often seen as cute and obligatory among teenagers. But if you’re past your 20s, you should use them sparingly and where needed.. Not using them at all can create a wrong impression.. Of course, we do not say to use it when sending an e-mail to your boss.. But you can use it when talking to the person you are trying to get close to.. In this way, you can manage your emotions more easily.. There may be misunderstandings as some of the online chats have no audio or video.. But thanks to the icons used in place, you can convey your feelings more clearly.

Don’t reveal yourself too soon!

In your parents’ time, when young people were dating, they could only see each other twice a week at the most.. But thanks to the internet and profiles, the person you are interested in can be with you anywhere.. Constantly meeting and being sincere can cause you to open up very quickly.. You can even tell stories that you are very embarrassed about, based on this sincerity.. But remember, there is a subtle difference between being different and being unattractive.. Just because your internet speed is high doesn’t mean you have to move forward at full speed!

Online sincerity!

As you know, every technological invention comes with its pros and cons.. Internet can also be a very useful thing, but it is necessary to use it correctly.. The dating possibilities on the internet are almost endless, but there is one thing you should keep in mind while diving into this resource; can be harmful if misused. If you don’t want to be one of the injured ones, start using the tips we gave you!


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