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Flying car Lilium has come true!

Flying car Lilium has come true!
Flying car Lilium has come true!

Flying cars, which have been the subject of science fiction movies for years, are finally starting to come true. Although it technically looks between the concept of a car and the concept of an airplane, it deserves to be included in the flying car class because it can provide flight opportunities for several people. Here is the flying car lilium…

Lilium was launched as a 5-passenger aircraft taxi. Since it is not yet at a price that people can easily buy and use (like cars), its tests are still ongoing. Continuing its R&D studies day by day, Lilium recently received 90 million dollars. (webrazzi) In addition, the company that received the most investment in this field was again lilium.

lilium flying car

Adopting the helicopter system of its competitors to the automobile, Lilium It might not have affected it at all. Unlike its competitors, Lilium can fly with an electric jet engine. This feature sets it apart from its competitors. Especially Elon Musk’s work on electric cars will increase the competition in this sector.


Continuation of tests for a long time proves how serious a project Lilium is. Lilium, which is a project that will facilitate transportation between cities and between countries, can reach a speed of 300 km per hour. Lilium, which has an average range of 300 km, can come to your door when you call a taxi in the future.


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