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Crysis 3 Freezing and Kicking Problem Solution

Crysis 3 Freezing and Kicking Problem Solution
Crysis 3 Freezing and Kicking Problem Solution

Crysis 3 is the best of the latest games. That’s why many people prefer this game. Some pay for it and take it, some play it illegally. We do not recommend playing illegally, but those who play still do not give up on these habits. We’re going to tell you about a problem that bootleg players face, and then we’ll share with you how to fix it. This problem can also be called a freezing problem, it can also be called a throwing problem. Because a black screen comes first and we perceive it as freezing. Then you want to do something. You press a few keys on the keyboard, click the mouse. This time he kicks you out of the game. It says Crysis 3.exe has stopped working. Why is it doing this and what is the solution?

Why is the game Crysis 3 doing this? It does so because the game is being played illegally. Crytek asked the security staff to prevent this game from being illegally played, and the game freezes when the security guys secure a .dll file. But you can fix this problem with a crack. Download the file I gave at this link and put the files in it to the place where the game is installed. Say copy and replace. Then open the game from the .exe file that came to the place where it was installed after cracking the game, not from the place you used to open it. Because after you crack it, it will change and you will have to open the game from there.

After doing all these things, your game will continue from where it left off. You will continue your game from where you left off without any problems.

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