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Create a system backup with one click

Create a system backup with one click
Create a system backup with one click

There are some cases, no matter what we do, we cannot restore our system to its original state and our mind goes to Format, here is if you did not turn off system restore before the format (which is open by default in windows) and periodically creates restore points, your system is intact. You can get rid of the problem by going back to a time when it was working, maybe the only problem here is that the windows itself decides when to create the restore point, here is the system with one click, with the following code, you can create a system restore point and easily create a backup in a situation where your settings are perfect, the code below is a notepad e and click File – Save As…

Give any name in the window that opens (edit the filename as you want) and save the extension as .vbs and run

first of all, let’s paste the following into Notepad and make the extension .vbs (systemrestore.vbs) and requested Click anywhere you want, your current recycle point is ready

rp = “Manual Restore Point by ” & WScript.ScriptName GetObject(“winmgmts:\.
ootdefault:Systemrestore”).CreateRestorePoint rp, 0, one hundred


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