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Cpanel-Plesk Alternative: Cyber ​​Panel Installation

Cpanel-Plesk Alternative: Cyber ​​Panel Installation
Cpanel-Plesk Alternative: Cyber ​​Panel Installation

Hosting control panels on the servers where the websites are hosted make it very convenient for the management of the sites.. Although Cpanel and Plesk are the most widely used hosting management panels, some of the open source projects seem to dethrone Cpanel and Plesk.. In this article, we will give detailed information about What is Cyber ​​Panel and Cyber ​​Panel Installation, which is the strongest competitor and alternative of Cpanel and Plesk…

Cyber ​​Panel What is it?

It is a hosting control panel/software developed by LiteSpeed ​​Web Server. CyberPanel works for free on your server with 1 domain and maximum 2GB ram. Charged for higher requests. Although it seems to be running as open source, even the developers fully use this panel depends on the payment they will make.. That’s why developers don’t like it being paid.

However, CyberPanel supports OpenLiteSpeed. OpenLitesPeed is the free version of LiteSpeed, offered by Litespeed for developers and completely free of charge. CyberPanel takes on a more flexible structure with OpenLitesPeed, which is offered as a gesture to developers.

As in Cpanel and Plesk We can easily perform many hosting-related operations on Cyber ​​Panel, which is the hosting control and management panel, where settings such as creating, deleting, editing and configuring hosting accounts on the server can be made.. The fact that it consumes much less resources than Cpanel and Plesk is one of the main reasons for choosing Cyber ​​Panel.

What does CyberPanel offer?

  • OpenLitespeed
  • Multi PHP Version
  • Litespeed Cache
  • WordPress LSCACHE
  • MailServer
  • PowerDNS
  • <

  • Firewall
  • Backup System

Cyber ​​Panel, which is an invaluable boon for servers with low hardware specifications, provides low resource consumption while performing operations. remains resource friendly. About 1000 online visitors seen on Cpanel and Plesk can cause your resources to skyrocket.. (2GB Ram and 4 vCPU) Assuming the necessary configurations are also present on a server with Cyber ​​Panel, this doubles the number of online visitors, consuming half of the existing resources.

In addition to its advantages in resource consumption, WordPress, Prestashop, Magento and more Offers enhanced features for more. At the forefront of these features is LSCache technology.. This plugin, which is the most productive Cache Plugin I have ever used on WordPress, can do wonders with Cyber ​​Panel’s low resource consumption.

Cyber ​​Panel uses Google’s QUIC technology.. QUIC is an experimental low-latency internet protocol implemented by Google over UDP. Offering a much better response time than TCP and TCP + TLS, UDP, or QUIC, is fully compatible with Cyber ​​Panel.

Cyber ​​Panel, which is also very successful in security, has a built-in ModSecurity that supports Comodo LiteSpeed ​​Rules. Provided with firewall. In addition, it is possible to set up SSL with a single click so that data is encrypted and kept encrypted at all times.. Cyber ​​Panel also monitors the validity period of these SSL certificates to keep you safe all the time.

With multiple PHP version selectors, e-mail services suitable for marketing campaigns, advanced caching technology, Cyber ​​Panel helps you avoid the resource consumption of Cpanel and Plesk. It may be the right choice for you.

We have examined Cyber ​​Panel Features so far.. You’re probably like, “Okay, that’s what I’ve been looking for.. How do I set this up?” you started to say. The next part is prepared for Cyber ​​Panel Installation.

Cyber ​​Panel System Requirements;

  • Centos 7.x
  • Python 2.7
  • 1024MB of memory (RAM)
  • 10GB disk space

Cyber ​​Panel does not require high hardware. But it is restricted to use on high hardware. As I mentioned before, 2GB RAM is the maximum RAM value.. You have to pay for more. (Unfortunately)

Cyber ​​Panel Installation

Enter the following command will be enough to start the installation. Installation will start shortly. Installation will continue with python. This process may take time depending on your resources and port speed.



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