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Apple’s Siri ratings program relaunched

Apple’s Siri ratings program relaunched
Apple's Siri ratings program relaunched

With the Siri rating program, which Apple has had problems with in the past months, the discussions where every moment of the users are listened to have appeared.. As a result of the discussions, Apple announced that it relaunched this program with iOS 13.2.

Apple is coming up with a new procedure for listening to users’ conversations with ‘Siri’.. According to this procedure, users will be able to allow their conversations with Siri not to be listened to by real people.. Three months after the Siri ‘voice recordings’ report, all previously uploaded recordings of users will also be deleted. has had. After the latest update, the California-based company has also restarted the Siri rating program, which it paused in August.. With this update, users will be able to continue to use Siri as normal within the Siri rating program, which has been restarted with this update, but there will also be the opportunity to disable the ‘rating’ feature.

The incident that broke out last July was revealed by the reports shared by the Guardian.. It turned out that contract workers deployed as part of Apple’s Siri rating program listened and analyzed Siri recordings, which were used to improve the virtual assistant’s comprehension and answers to questions.. Apple employees listened to users’ private medical records and even sexually explicit conversations, and even accessed users’ location and contact information.

In line with this emerging information, Apple fired the employees and suspended the Siri rating program.. However, Apple continued to work on the Siri rating project.. This program, which comes with iOS 13.2, will be launched if users want to participate for now.. Users who are asked whether they want to participate in this program will be able to indicate that they do not want to be included in this program by choosing the option ‘Not Now’.


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