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Apple Watch Series 5 Detailed Review

Apple Watch Series 5 Detailed Review
Apple Watch Series 5 Detailed Review

We have examined Apple’s smart watch, Watch Series 5, which is full of useful features, in detail for you.


Apple Watch’s Series 4 model was not only the best product of the year on the Apple side last year, but also the best smartwatch you can buy. The company has now added a fifth model to its Watch lineup. So is the Apple Watch Series 5 seriously the best smartwatch you can buy? Now let’s get started with answering these and many more questions.

In our opinion, Apple Watch Series 4 owners really do not need to upgrade, but those who own an Apple Watch below Watch Series 4 or have an Apple Watch for the first time do not need to upgrade. Those who will be smartwatches can take a look at the Watch Series 5.

So let’s come to the prices, yes they are really expensive, but is it worth the money? Apple Watch Series 5’s 40 mm case size is 3099 TL, and the 44 mm case size is 3299 TL.

NOTE: It should be noted that the Apple Watch series only works with the Apple ecosystem. Unfortunately, it cannot be used with Android devices.


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