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Our Q&A directory is now available!

Our Q&A directory is now available!
Our Q&A directory is now available!

Hello friends, I would like to announce that the Q&A directory that we have been working on for a long time has been opened for use.. The Question & Answer directory that we have established is completely free of charge, with the aim of collecting dozens of comments from the site, dozens of e-mails sent, and the questions we receive from social networks in a single pool, and to enable people who have these problems to solve their problems quickly and easily!

Question and Answer

In this directory you can ask questions, give answers and express your opinions. While doing all this, you can raise your profile and gain rank.. (such as Novice, Rookie, Corporal, Captain, Colonel and Major) With the points you collect, you can reach more audiences and increase your authority.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I ask?

You can ask any questions you may have. Our friends and visitors in the directory give their answers by stating their opinions under the questions.

How soon can I get an answer?

According to the status of active users in the directory, the answers of those who know the answer to your question may vary from a few seconds to several hours.. There are no unanswered questions yet.

How can I upgrade my profile? (Badge System)

You earn points by asking and answering questions. If your answers are liked, voted or found useful by other users, you will collect more points.. You gain rank when you reach certain point limits. Being active in the directory, helping and giving lots of answers will increase your score.

What do I gain from this directory?

You gain nothing but knowledge. Its members do their best to provide free information sharing to people.

How can I become a member of the directory?

http://quest answer. You can register for free by filling out the registration form by clicking the link in the upper right corner.. You can ask and answer questions by logging in from the same area.

Is it legal to share the content?

The content in the Q&A directory is dedicated to the public. Unauthorized copying and not showing the source is not nice. You can help us reach more people by sharing with the url.

How do I know if the answers are correct?

You can wait for the answers to be verified instead of putting them into practice.. Useful answers will be marked as best answer by the questioner or moderators. This way, you can see the verified answers and proceed to the application.

You can get answers by asking more questions on the directory.. Get started now. Q&A


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