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How to Use a Computer Monitor as a TV

How to Use a Computer Monitor as a TV
How to Use a Computer Monitor as a TV

If you have an old computer monitor, you can add some cheap hardware parts to the monitor and use it as a television.

Needs :

  • Computer Monitor
  • Satellite Receiver (Mini) (50-60 TL)
  • HDMI to VGA Adapter (15-30 TL)
  • Speaker (15) -50 TL)

Assuming you have a monitor, you can easily complete the above materials with an average quality between 100-120 TL.. If you have an HDMI input on the monitor, you won’t need an HDMI to VGA Converter adapter.

Assume we have an old VGA-only monitor. let’s. Most satellite receivers have HDMI outputs.. Connect the HDMI cable of the HDMI to VGA Adapter to the satellite receiver and connect the VGA cable of the monitor to the VGA connection of the HDMI to VGA Adapter. The part that transmits the audio output is usually available in the adapter, at least pay attention to this when purchasing, there is a possibility that it will be missing. Plug the audio output into the speaker with the jack.. If the monitor has an HDMI input, you can connect directly from the satellite receiver with a normal HDMI cable without the need for an adapter.. These types of monitors also have a speaker feature, so you won’t need a separate speaker.. Now your monitor has turned into a TV. Remember that you will not be able to receive broadcasts unless you make the antenna connections of the satellite receiver

Possible Problems:

  • It is possible that you will get a black image error when you make the connections. This is a problem with resolution. If your monitor is old, its resolution will be lower.. Satellite receivers are also likely to have incompatibility since the factory default resolution is 1024 and higher.. To solve this problem, connect your satellite receiver to a regular large TV, and adjust the satellite’s “settings” section by lowering the resolution according to your monitor with the satellite receiver’s remote.
  • If there is a problem with the image coming and going, it is a situation related to the adapter.. Some adapters get hot after working for a certain period of time and cannot perform image conversion.. That’s why it’s important to choose a good adapter.
  • One of the most common problems is actually not a problem, one thing that escapes attention is the adapter without audio output, which we mentioned above.. Because some adapters that are sold do not have an audio output, which is often overlooked, so make sure that there is an audio output when buying an adapter.. An adapter with an audio output has a VGA jack input as in the picture above, and you plug it into the adapter by taking the output with an audio cable.


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