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Dam Score Removed! Explained Why It Was Removed! Psychological Pressure?

Dam Score Removed! Explained Why It Was Removed! Psychological Pressure?
Dam Score Removed! Explained Why It Was Removed! Psychological Pressure?

As you know, the university exam threshold was lifted with the statement made in the past days. The President of the Higher Education Institution made a statement about this and made evaluations about the situation.

The President of YÖK made evaluations about the abolition of the university entrance exam threshold. The President of YÖK stated that psychological pressure on students has disappeared with the lifting of the dam.

Speaking to writer Nuray Babacan from Hürriyet newspaper, Özvar said that with the lifting of the dam, the students While stating that the competition among students will increase and there will be more students in the preference pool; He also evaluated the quality discussions that this development would reduce the quality of students and education as “extremely wrong.” By removing the dam score, we have ensured that there are much more students in the preference pool. Students are under psychological pressure due to the dam. We wanted to be able to remove the psychological pressure on them, to direct and motivate them to be successful, and to provide more competition among students.”

With the new system, people who have the advantage of points in the preference pool can get the right to enroll in a certain program if the score they get in the exam is enough, Özvar said, “In short; Like last year, if the student can obtain TYT and AYT exam scores, he/she will have the opportunity to obtain a raw score of 0.5 net. ”.


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