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Developed a wearable device that converts brain signals into commands

Developed a wearable device that converts brain signals into commands
Developed a wearable device that converts brain signals into commands

A technology will be produced that transforms the data received from the visual cortex into commands and enables the control of the devices. It is reported that the wearable technology product developed by a company called NextMind will be available for sale in the first half of 2020. It has been reported that a limited number of devices will be produced, which can be controlled with data from the brain.

The wearable technology introduced at the Slush 2019 fair in Helsinki will serve to control the devices. The device, which will be a brain-computer interface, will be offered for sale in a limited number.

The technology developed by the company named NextMind will be used without the need for a surgical operation and will be the first of its kind in this context. The product receives brain signals from the user’s visual cortex and transforms them into commands for any device. represents the next frontier of computer interaction. For those who say that without surgical intervention, it will never be possible to apply what we want and our actions directly to the world around us with this technology, it’s time to believe. Because this is real and the possibilities are truly endless’

The brain-computer controller has a small, light and rounded design. It sits behind your head with a headband. Lightly pressing on the wearer’s head, the device collects data from signals created in the visual cortex by the brain’s neuron activity. Using machine learning algorithms, the device can convert the data it receives from the visual cortex into outputs and send it as a command to a computer, AR / VR set or any other device connected to the Internet.

NextMind, a limited number of Development Kits will be on sale in the first half of 2020. will present.


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