Which roads are closed or open today! Are the roads between cities open? Statement from KGM on the latest road situation in Turkey.
“Which roads are open now?” The answer to the question is asked by the citizens. A statement was made by the General Directorate of Highways about the latest situation on the roads.
Which Roads Are Closed or Open Today!
Heavy snowfall has also negatively affected the condition of the roads and transportation. Impressed. The current road situation on important highway routes in Turkey has been announced by the General Directorate of Highways.. Here is the latest situation on the roads and closed roads…
Which roads are closed, which roads are open? Road status and open road inquiry screen
As of 20:00, the latest situation in our road networks across Turkey has been announced by KGM.
In the written statement made by KGM, ” Vehicle restrictions to Istanbul in terms of Anatolia and Thrace have been lifted. The Northern Marmara and TEM Highways have been opened to all vehicles in two directions.
TAG (Tarsus-Adana-Gaziantep) Highway Ankara direction is given to TIR traffic in a controlled manner according to precipitation and road conditions.
Kağızman-Ağrı Road is closed to transportation. Taşkent-Sarıveliler Road has been closed to transportation.
Akçakoca-Düzce Road Kabalak Region has been closed to unchained truck traffic.
Seyrişehir-Beyşehir, Seydişehir-Akseki roads have been closed to transportation.. Gözeli Sivrice Provincial Road was opened to traffic as of 20:00. expressions were used.
Are Inter-City Roads Open?
Diyarbakir-Bingöl road was closed to traffic.
Elazig-Diyarbakır road was closed to transportation.
Diyarbakır- Adıyaman road was closed to transportation.
Kırıkkale- Kırşehir road was opened for all vehicles.
Of- Çaykara-Bayburt road was closed to transportation.
Bayburt- Aşkale road (KOP Passage) was closed to TIR traffic.