How to make a vertical line mark on the keyboard? How to make a vertical long line on the keyboard? How to make a dividing line from the keyboard? In this article, we showed you how to make the dividing line [ ] from the keyboard.. Here are the details..
There are about 100 keys on computer keyboards.. Most of these keys consist of letters and numbers.. In addition to the letters and numbers on the keyboards, hundreds of symbols and signs that we can use can be created by keyboards, although not all of them are on the keyboards.
In order to create some signs and symbols on the keyboards, we need to make some key combinations from the keyboard.
For example, to create the Dollar (€) sign on your keyboard, while holding down the alt (alt gr) key on your keyboard, again from the letters on the keyboard, “letter E You need to press strong>”. With this key combination, you can use the Euro Symbol (€) wherever you want (in the content).
Example 2: To create the plus (+) sign from the keyboard; While holding down the Shift key, press ‘Key 4‘ from the number keys. You can create the plus sign with this key combination. Already, the + sign appears above the number 4 on many keyboards.
This is valid for creating the vertical long line, also called the ‘dividing line’, from the keyboard.. To create the vertical long line on your keyboard, you need to make a 2-key combination again.
To create the separation line [ ] on the keyboard, you need to make a 2-key combination on your keyboard, as we mentioned above.. You can always add this sign to the content and area you want with this very easy key combination.
We have put the keys that we will use for the dividing line mark on the keyboard below into red boxes.. You can create this mark by following the steps below.
The key combination I will use to create the dividing line [ ] on the keyboard is as follows;
Alt (Alt gr) + Hyphen Key
To create the dividing line from your keyboard, first press ALT GR KEY and then HASHES on the keyboard Press the KEY. Now you can create our sign wherever you want with this key combination.
NOTE: The alt gr key is one of the 2 alt keys on keyboards. The alt gr key is the alt key on the right of these 2 keys on your keyboard.. On the new model computer keyboards, alt gr is written on this key, but in old model devices, it is written as alt, so there may be a complication.