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Are great designers thieves?

Are great designers thieves?
Are great designers thieves?

You can often hear designers say something like: “Good designers copy, Great designers steal.” The designer who says this usually has one of these three personalities

* A personality who only copies designs and gets inspired by them.
* A personality who really steals designs.
* He realizes that it is difficult not to copy and steal designs a personality who accepts and tries not to steal, and can’t help himself from time to time.

For unknown reasons, many designers believe that there can be no truly unique work, and that everyone must have been inspired by someone.. Frankly, I do not agree with this, and at least I do not accept such a notion. I suggest you don’t agree either.

Copy Designers
These designers form the bottom rung of the design pyramid, it’s not such a bad place after all, you have to start somewhere.

This type of designers are still at the beginning and often unaware of the elements that make up a great design, so they try to create something by imitating the work of others and being inspired by them.

In general, the internet they are members of their galleries, they choose a site or two from there and try to recreate their design, which they try to find a design for the job at hand.. Studying this way is the only way to learn anything.. In fact, this is how every human learns about life, walking, talking, etc.. We use this method until we create enough experience of our own.

The first site you will build may have been created by copying the same codes from a site you like.. You study that code line by line and learn what each one does.. When you build your next site, you start writing the code from scratch and start creating your own unique designs.

Thief Designers
These are the designers who said the word we heard above.. Famous filmmaker jim jarmusch once said:

Nothing is original. Play from anywhere to show your imagination and creativity. Examine old movies down to the smallest part, take a good look at new movies, books, music, drawings, photographs, poetry, dreams, random speech, architectural designs, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, water, light and shade, examine them all thoroughly.. Steal from them only and only what speaks directly to your soul.. If you do these things, your work (ie stealing) will be a true masterpiece.. This work is priceless and the original cannot be found anywhere else.. And don’t try to hide your stealing. Even if you feel like it, celebrate it.

Actually, this phrase can be considered to summarize house burglary.. When a designer copies a design belonging to another person and feels within himself the points that make that work perfect, what they usually do is to go and create their own original designs.

However, after a while, they realize that; It is quite difficult to try to see the world as other designers see it, to understand them, to solve the secrets of their works and to create their own works.. And they learn the hidden truth of many good designers, they are all thieves.

Theft in design is to be inspired by someone else’s work.. Like copycat designers in general, thief designers draw their inspiration from internet galleries; but they know how to hide their sources.

“The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide its source.” Albert Einstein

Copy only one piece of the design or just steal the theme. In 2003, a designer named cameron moll wrote an article titled “Good designers copy, great designers steal” (in english). In his article, there was an example of the following two images.

cameron moll explained it this way:

A similar picture of someone else what they thought when they used it would actually be much different. Very little change has been applied. And the purpose of this is to benefit from the idea that the person who will see this design has somehow seen a similar design before.. make them look familiar. A very good resource for theft.

Those Who Try Not to Copy and Steal
No matter what we do, it is impossible not to be influenced by our environment.. Even if they are not aware of it, designers are somehow influenced by other designs, they are inspired by them.. Designers in this category are aware of their habits.. They know that it is impossible to create something completely original.. But they still try. For this purpose, they go to real picture galleries, not directly to the picture galleries on the internet.. They look at designs, architecture, photography, nature, not internet designs. They are truly inspired, they don’t steal anything.
They don’t look around for design, they look for ways to perfect their design in their head.

A designer strolling through nature in the parks finds himself designing grass to create the “footer” of the site.. Adds tree, flower, or bird shapes to the left and right of the site. Or, sits on a bench all day and examines how the foreground and background relate. and designs that appeal to the user’s perspective perception.

This design, which seeks inspiration, abandons this form after a while and becomes a completely original design.

To summarize…
Searching for an original design on the Internet is not a lost quest. The internet industry is still very young and there is much more untested.. It’s up to you to find. When you understand the building blocks of design, when you learn to think outside the borders and try new things, there is nothing you can’t do.. Be unexpected and original. try new things. Don’t be afraid of a design that comes from your heart, try it. But keep this in mind:

“Things that are different than they should be are seldom beautiful, but things made to be better are almost always better” Dieter Rams

As we work to be original and original, more it’s good to try new things to do well, and they potentially end up with good things too. It’s like throwing a dart at the target by covering your eyes with an eye patch.. You may never hit the target; but you will learn a lot during this experience. Try to make your designs not different, but better, more perfect. Not long, not long ago, people thought the earth was flat, not round. Not long ago, designers were making websites with tags and tables.. Theories and routines must be constantly questioned, challenged, and violated.. If you think there’s a better way, you’ll find it yourself.

“The newest designers deliberately reject standard options and cultivate the temptation to think wrong” Marty Neumeier



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