Exchange Server 2007 Back pressure at feature; In case of lack of resources, our Exchange Server; In other words, Ram stopped sending and receiving mail in hard disk and similar situations. We can turn this feature off or change the default criteria by changing the edgetransportexeconfig file.
Exhange Server 2010 On strong>, the back pressure feature remains the same, apart from a small detail. Minor detail; now it responds to incoming smtp requests, but rejects incoming mails. Assuming that the same situation happened to us in Exchange Server 2007; We try to start Smtp session. If it failed, we might think that the reason might be back pressure. But when we consider the same situation in Exchange Server 2010; For example, the server has switched to back pressure and we are trying to send mail, but it sends it to Drafts. In such a case, we start a smtp session and when we look to see if the server is responding to requests, we see that there is a response from the server. But when we want to send mail, the server will reject it.