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TYT Questions and Answers 2021

TYT Questions and Answers 2021
TYT Questions and Answers 2021

TYT Questions and Answers 2021, we will evaluate this year’s exam together with you.

You can check the questions and answers we have tried to compile from students and teachers below.. Please do not forget to indicate your views in the comments.

TYT Questions and Answers 2021

TYT answers 2021 Turkishe, mathematics, social, science, social biology to compile all of them. we will try. After the exam is over, we will try to compile the answers and deliver them to you in the most correct way.

  • Tractor will be only 1
  • thermal insulation will be only 1
  • The question of surface tension will be all
  • The question of heredity
  • 1 2 3 4

  • will be 1 and 2
  • The cell membrane question: Phospholipids are motile
  • Triglyceride question : 1 Glycerol 3 fatty acids, Fatty acids
  • Meiosis Anaphosis 1 Anaphase 2 is 2 times the number of chromosomes. said it wrong
  • Pedigree question X-linked dominant, autosomal dominant, automosal recessive
  • Food pyramid, Jellyfish 2. the consumer said wrong
  • Classification question, the chromosome number of those of the same sex is exactly the same said wrong
  • NaOH, which releases gas from Zn amphoter metal, HNo3 that releases gas from CU noble metal, the answer will be NaOH and HNo3
  • Since the boiling temperatures of the solutions will be directly proportional to the ion concentrations, mgCl2>NaCl>sucrose will be
  • The answer to the P4 mole question would be 0.2 mol because it will be made according to the finished substance
  • There is a question of evaporation in the question P2, the answer will be only 3
  • Metallic bond adds electrical conductivity and workability to metals 1 and 2
  • The name of Nitrogen Trihydride will be Ammonia
  • Regular army HISTORY
  • Crusades HISTORY
  • A new government organizationHISTORY
  • The opinion of the ulema in terms of the Constitutional Monarchy DATE
  • Map question Regions where Turinçgil is produced Geography
  • Characteristics of shadows transportation from east to east Geography
  • Extension of daylight hours on March 21 in area V. Geography
  • The answer will be 15 in 3 days, in 2 days when the boss says come to work
  • Dessert questionu will be 5/8
  • Pizza Question canswer will be 51
  • Get change
  • strong>02 liras
  • Combinationto be 560
  • Combination answer 1/126
  • <

  • Function question will be 6
  • 10 how many 22/3 numbers 44 n? answer N will be 15
  • The radical number question will be 15
  • The polynomial question will be 11
  • The octagon question will be 40
  • ROOT 15
  • 14!/10!
  • 13 Coffee
  • +,-,-,-
  • Thursday
  • Museum will be 43
  • 153 to the north
  • Plot question 11
  • Divisibility by 9 and 12 will be 7
  • Folder will be 12.p (5n-1)
  • Only 3 will be
  • Which will be correct 2 and 4
  • The apartment question will be 16
  • The age question will be 43
  • <

  • s


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